Grow The Best Lawn In The Neighborhood

Yards are a lot of work, and a lot of things go wrong when you’re trying to grow a beautiful one. Between finding the right fertilizer, keeping pests at bay, treating diseases, and killing weeds, you could spend every weekend of the summer working on your lawn without having the results you really want.

Herbitech can help.

We are experienced lawn care professionals and can get your lawn green and growing. We offer customized lawn care services and lawn repair. We provide fertilization, weed control, pest control, pH balancing, and soil nutrition. We offer each of our clients a concrete plan to get their yard looking its best, whether their yard is full of weeds or bald.

If you want to be the envy of the neighborhood, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Customized Lawn Treatments In Longview, TX


A healthy lawn requires soil that’s rich in nutrients. In nature, leaves, sticks, and other debris break down and provide nutrients to the soil that help plants grow. Unfortunately, because we often remove those things from our yards, the soil beneath our lawns tends to run short on nutrients. This is a problem if you want a lush, green lawn.

Herbitech uses a customized fertilizer that’s long-lasting and dense with nutrients. This will help strengthen your grass and encourage it to grow deep roots and spread. Those deep roots will help it survive heavy traffic, drought, and anything else the weather in East Texas can throw at it.


Pest Control

Healthy lawns will always attract plant-eating species of bugs and other critters. These pests can devastate a lawn in short order. Other insects, like mosquitoes, can make you want to run as far away from your yard as fast as you can.

Herbitech is licensed to provide outdoor pest control services. We’ll ensure that your yard is free of bugs that will damage it, like armyworms, and other insects like mosquitoes and ticks. We ensure that our pest control treatments are as safe as they are effective, so you’ll never have to worry about pets and children.

Weed Control

Weeds are the bane of every well-manicured, beautiful lawn. Keeping a lawn entirely free from weeds is a full-time job. They grow faster than grass, they spread more quickly, and they require less water and fewer nutrients to grow. You could spend every weekend of the growing season pulling weeds and still not get all of them.


Herbitech offers a diverse range of vegetation control strategies, beginning with ensuring your lawn is healthy and dense to prevent weeds from growing in the first place. We also employ traditional herbicides, pre-emergent herbicides, and growth inhibitors.

Soil Nutrition

While fertilizers form the backbone of any lawn service, sometimes they just aren’t enough. Some species of grass really only thrive in acidic or alkaline soil. Figuring out the exact nature of your soil requires testing. Fixing it requires expertise in soil nutrition.

Herbitech will provide whatever your grass needs in order to grow, be that aeration or calcium fortification. We perform regular testing to ensure that your soil is perfect for supporting whatever species of grass you want in your yard.

Residential & Commercial Lawn Care Services In LONGVIEW, TX & The Surrounding Area

Herbitech has been helping Longview, Marshall, Tyler, and all of East Texas develop beautiful lawns. We’ll devise a custom lawn care service plan to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood. If you’re tired of struggling with DIY lawn care, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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